Good Support

We will Support you,
all the way.

Best Care Possible

We work to ensure everything is in
is in your best interest

Better Decision

On your side
working towards a better decision

Our Philosophy

We believe in the power of people, either in groups or as individuals to make a positive difference to the lives of others. Thats our philosophy!

Case Management

We develop a bespoke case management plan, around each client’s individual needs, with clearly defined goals, objectives and priorities.


We provide skilled and experienced Intermediaries to work with vulnerable defendants. To support your case we provide qualified and experienced intermediaries who are registered with the Ministry of Justice.

At Active Case Management

We use our experience from both clinical practice and a strong evidence base to provide expert Case Management to people recovering from a catastrophic brain injury, whilst supporting their loved ones through the process.

We provide:

  • A service that places you at the centre and respects your wishes and choices
  • A thorough and detailed assessment of your clinical and social needs
  • Assessment of risks and strategies to reduce any risks to you and your loved ones as far as is possible
  • Help to reach your full potential; by working with you to plan and achieve your goals

We are person centered

Active Case

We believe in the power of people, either in groups or as individuals can make a positive difference to the lives of others. This is not a political view, but a philosophy which we try to live by and in doing so we hope to support, educate or empower others.